Saturday, 12 October 2013

Thanksgiving: Our Not-So-Secret Weapon

Read: Joshua 6:1-20

On the seventh day, march around the city seven times, with the priests blowing the trumpets. When you hear them sound a long blast on the trumpets, have the whole army give a loud shout; then the wall of the city will collapse and the army will go up, everyone straight in." (Joshua 6:4-5)

I grew up in church listening to various pastors and speakers encourage their listeners to cultivate an attitude of gratitude, because thankfulness is a key characteristic that ought to distinguish Christ-followers from the majority of people around them. And, in fact, I discovered early on in my life that people who are genuinely thankful for what God has given them are a whole lot more likely to have positive outlook on life, which, in turn, equips them to deal with future difficulties and challenges. Not only are habitually thankful people better equipped to deal with difficulties that come into their own lives, they are often uniquely positioned to come alongside others who are also dealing with challenges. Conversely, people who constantly dwell on their difficulties tend to isolate themselves, thus greatly impeding their capacity to either receive support and encouragement from others, or be a source of support and encouragement to others.

Something else that I learned about thankfulness early on in my life is that genuine, God-centered thankfulness is not dependent on favourable external circumstances, such as good health, financial security, thriving relationships, etc. Rather, it flows out of a faith in, and experience of, a Gracious and Loving Heavenly Father, who is able to pour abundant blessings of love and peace into our lives, even in the midst of great adversity and turmoil. When I look back over the past year in my own life, I see once again that, although this was a year of many deep losses and unprecedented DRAMA (read: stress and distress), it was also a year in which I witnessed God’s miraculous provision in ways that I had never before experienced.

In re-reading the Old Testament story of Israel’s capture of Jericho, I find myself intrigued by the question of what, exactly, it was that the Israelite army shouted that caused the wall of the city to crumble before them? The text does not provide this detail, but, from reading stories of other Israelite conquests in the Old Testament, I am led to strongly suspect that it was a shout of thanksgiving that sent the great wall of Jericho a tumblin’ down!

Gracious Heavenly Father – I confess that, when I am faced with seasons of adversity and turmoil, thankfulness is usually the furthest thing from my mind and heart. But during those times, may I remember all the ways that You have graciously and miraculously provided for me in the past. And may I thus find the courage to move forward with a triumphal shout of thanksgiving. In Jesus’ Name. Amen. 

1 comment:

  1. I join you in that triumphal shout of thanksgiving and praise! May the walls of negativity, self-pity and bitterness crumble and we live in the freedom of joy and peace. An attitude of gratitude, as is so commonly said nowadays, really can serve to that end! Happy Thanksgiving to you!
